Hiab to Resume Ops at UK Installation Sites Next Week
23rd April 2020

Hiab is resuming operations at its four installation sites in the UK next week after services were temporarily suspended as a result of the Covid-19 outbreak.
From Monday 27 April centres in Ellesmere, Dudley, North Allerton and Cumbernauld, Scotland will been carrying out installation jobs under revised health and safety protocols.
Ian Mitchell, managing director for Hiab UK and Ireland said that the decision to re-open the four sites after a month had been carefully considered. “We are really pleased to be starting up installation operations again at our four key sites from Monday 27 April,” he said. “This means that we can commence installation activities as normal, under revised health and safety protocols. At Hiab we continue to take the situation very seriously and keeping our customers and our staff safe at work still remains our top priority.
“As a result, we have implemented additional health and safety protocols across all our centres which include a pre-booking system for all external visitors, additional cleaning and sanitising of workspaces and equipment, our staff all have PPE and a strict 2m distancing policy is in place at all times.
“Task teams at all Hiab sites ensure we follow government guidelines and uphold the enhanced health and safety protocols to manage infection control.”
There is no change to the Service Centres which have always remained open as normal and the Service Vans and field service engineers who continue to work.
Please contact your nearest intsallation centre before visiting so Hiab can arrange a dedicated arrival time as part of our health and safety measures https://www.hiab.com/en-GB/HIAB/dealers-and-contact/find-service-point/